Monday, July 16, 2012

Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

Truth...most of us suck at this. Our Type A, gotta do it all, do it all great, be everything to everyone, prohibits us from doing this. Why?

We all work with or know people who are good at it, great even! Who can think of or be given a task that they either do not know how to do, do not have the time or simply do not want to, so they delegate. And I guess if you have people that you can really rely on, this works. Oh, and if you can let go, just a little!

And, if you talk to those who delegate, they act as though it's the only way to be and let's them get more done. Others, who typically don't delegate, don't view it as delegation, but asking for help. And for most of us, asking for help = weakness.

Saying we don't want to do something is one thing, admitting that we do not know how is something totally different. So we Google, fake-it-til-we-make it, so we can carry on the facade that we can, and do, do it all.

I fall into the "I don't ask for help" camp. I don't delegate. I would rather rush around, do it my way, huff and puff that no one helps me, and then bitch. And then, if I mess it up or get it wrong or have to half-ass it, I can lay blame that I'm just too busy. Writing this out makes me realize that, yes, I am insane. How many of us do this, though? Bitches be cra-cra!

I'm the queen of this. I remind my husband all the time to do it at work so that he has more time for me and our boys. But I don't do it. I'm really bad about it. And I know, but I have yet to fix it.

So I need to let go of the reigns. Loosen my grip. Take a lesson from those who have made careers out of pushing the project onto someone else and finally, just ask for help. I mean, delegate ;-)

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