Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Little DIY

I have been on a DIY kick lately. For instance, my cousin made me curtains for my dining room. Even though I did not actually make them myself, I am so happy with them because I picked out fabric that I really liked. They aren't like something you can find in the store. I also have fabric to make a valance for my bathroom. That will be my first foray into the sewing world.

To save a few dollars in the long run, I made my own laundry detergent. I found the recipe on Pinterest (where else?), but two of my cousins also made their own detergent and they really like it. It was also super easy, so that was another benefit. For about $20 I am going to have laundry detergent for a year. I think that it is a pretty good deal. Here is the recipe.

In the fall, I started to learn how to knit. To practice me new found skills, I am knitting my own dish cloths. Now, it would be so much easier to go out and buy dish cloths. But since I am a novice knitter, this is a good project for me to work on. It also doesn't matter if I make a mistake (there are plenty) because I am just going to use them to wash dishes. I have a crocheted dish cloth and it is much better than the ones I can get in the store.

I am working on a wreath for my front door. None of these things are very difficult. But they take a little bit of time and you have to be deliberate about it. For the laundry detergent, I was looking for stuff I had never noticed at the store. But it was all there.

The fun thing about this DIY stuff is that I get a sense of accomplishment from completing projects. And I am able to enjoy or utilize them for a while. Pinterest is fueling my interest to do things myself. It is definitely addicting!
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Who Knew?

So, as many of you know, we here at WW&B are avid Pinterest(ers). Well, last night, while I was perusing the web, and pinning things to my ever growing wedding board, I came across this little gem, and just had to share it! I will give original props to for this one… but check it out!

35 Lifechanging Ways To Use Everyday Objects

1. Use a can opener to open sealed plastic packaging.

This tip would have saved me approximately 22.8 hours of my life.

2. Add saline solution to refresh dried-out mascara.

Just a couple of drops will do.

3. Use a toilet seat cover to blot the oil from a greasy face.

4. Use pretty wine corks to make planters for tiny succulents.

Put magnets on them and hang them on your fridge. Instructions here.

5. Amplify the volume of your iPhone or iPod by placing it in a bowl.


6. Use paper hole reinforcements to give yourself a half-moon manicure.

7. Use a banana to fix a DVD.

8. Use Jello as a lipstain.

Directions: Pour the powder mix into a bowl and moisten a Q-Tip with water. Then, being very careful not to use your fingers since the red stains stay put, dip the Q-Tip into the powder and apply it directly to your lips.

9. Use diluted fabric softener as a leave-in hair conditioner.

10. Use a lint roller to clean out the debris in your handbag.

I am the queen of cookie crumbs in my handbag.

11. Use nonstick spray on the inside of your votive holders.

 When the candle has burned out, the remaining wax will just slip out.

12. Eat marshmallows to soothe a sore throat.

There's a scientific explanation behind this.
(You can also use marshmallows to separate your toes during a home pedicure.)

13. Use newspaper as an odor absorber.

You can put it in Tupperware, or the crisper bin of your fridge, or in a purse with any lingering leather smells.

14. Use aspirin to turn hair made green by chlorine back to its natural color.

Dissolve six to eight aspirin pills in a glass of warm water, coat hair with the solution, let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse.

15. Use a sock to create a big perfect hair bun.


16. Use a spoon to open a sealed-tight jar.

Read more detailed instructions here.

17. Use a rubber band for perfect French tips.

18. Hang a picture using a pop tab.

The pop tab is surprisingly sturdy.

19. Use VapoRub to train your pets.

Apply VapoRub on things you don't want chewed up or peed on by your cat or dog — they're turned off by the taste and smell.
It also supposedly cures toenail fungus.

20. Use mayonnaise to erase water stains from wooden furniture.

21. Use fabric softener and vinegar in a spray bottle to release wrinkles from clothing.

22. Use a cereal container as a trash disposal in your car.


23. Add a few drops of vodka and a teaspoon of sugar to make cut flowers last longer.

24. Use Alka-Seltzer to clean your toilet.

Drop a couple tablets in, wait 20 minutes. The citric acid will dissolve the grime.

25. Use hand sanitizer to dissolve ink stains.

26. Use (unscented) dental floss to cut soft cheeses and cakes.

27. Pack your shoes in a shower cap to keep the soles from touching your clothes.


28. Use raw spaghetti strands to light hard-to-reach candle wicks.


29. Use Earl Grey teabags to get rid of a sunburn.

Read the directions here.

30. Use mustard to suck the pain out of a burn.

But also, don't put your hand on a boiling kettle.

31. Rub the cut edge of cheese with some butter to keep it from getting moldy.

32. Use Scotch tape or nail polish to relieve an insect bite.

Blocking oxygen from getting into the bite will stop the itching.

33. Use a blow-dryer on a mirror to clear the steam after a hot shower. 

34. Throw baking soda on a burgeoning grease fire.

It works much like a powder fire extinguisher. But don't use water, baking powder or flour, as it's likely to make the fire even bigger.
35. Open a bottle of wine using your shoe.
Watch the video here!

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Basement Transformation

My basement looks just like any other basement in the Pittsburgh area (and not like the one in the photo). I even have the Pittsburgh toilet (a random toilet, just sitting there, by itself) and the Pittsburgh shower (you guessed it...a shower head in your basement, just randomly there, but not near the toilet). It is time to get organized with all of the crap we have accumulated since we moved into our house in 2009 and fix it up!

Now, my basement is not horrible in any way, shape or form. It has high enough ceilings that my tall, tall, tall husband can walk through it without hitting his head (a HUGE buying factor of the house), and a cement floor that is in great shape. The windows are just glass blocks and the basement area spans the whole length and width of my house. So essentially, we have a lot of room to work with.

I am not looking for a complete re-model. I just don't have the time, money or effort to want to put that kind of work into our basement, especially in a house that we hope to sell in a couple of years. But my thought is some nice shelving/storage area against the walls so I can nicely organize my holiday items, seasonal clothes, sporting equipment, etc.

I have searched high and low for NICE shelving and storage units for my basement...meaning nothing too fancy, but nothing that is just going to fall apart the second I put it together. But this is where the issue is. I can't find what I want, nor do I think I even know what I want.

I've come to the conclusion that my husband is just going to have to take the lead on this project and just get what he thinks is suitable and just tell me that is that. I've looked at way too many pictures, DIY websites and have looked at other basements that I just want bits and pieces of everything and I know I can't have it all. I am, for once in my life, indecisive, and can not figure this basement situation out.

Has anyone else recently done a mini basement re-model, as I am calling it? Remember, nothing too fancy, too expensive, or a lot of work. I just really want some shelves/storage areas and MAYBE we'll actually put the Pittsburgh toilet in a bathroom-like area...MAYBE.
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Monday, May 28, 2012

The Best Sunglasses for your Face Shape

Happy Memorial Day! I hope you are all enjoying your long weekend – I know I am! If you’re bummed that it will soon be over, look on the positive side, it is a short work week!

Sunglasses are a must accessory for summertime. Sunglasses can really up the style of your summer wardrobe and are essential in the sun to protect your eyes from the UV rays. With so many different styles to choose from, I always have a hard time finding the right style that will be most flattering. With the help of, listed below are the best sunglasses for your face shape. I hope you find this useful, I can’t wait to go get a new pair.

(wide forehead and cheekbones; narrow chin)
Yes: Cat's-eye, round.
No: Overly embellished glasses.

(long face; narrow chin and cheeks)
Yes: Oversize or wrap styles.
No: Frames that are too narrow for your face.

(balanced forehead, cheekbones and jaw)
Yes: You're lucky because any shape works on you!

(broad forehead; square jawline)
Yes: Round, oval, cat's-eye
No: Sharp geometric shapes—they emphasize an angular profile.

(full cheekbones; narrow forehead and jaw)
Yes: Wide, rectangular frames.
No: Round frames or colored lenses, which exaggerate fullness.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Well That's Just Ducky!

I have lived in Pittsburgh my entire life…33 years to be exact and I absolutely love it here.  You can ask anyone.  When I’m out of town, I brag about it.  When people come in to town, I brag about it and become their personal tour guide.  I just love it…I really do.  So I think it’s kind of funny that earlier this week was the first time that I ever went on an official, guided, tour of the city!

A number of executives and other people from my “big girl job” were in Pittsburgh for a big meeting.  That evening we had a group activity that was planned for us and it included going on a Just Ducky Tour of the city and dinner. 

A Ducky Tour?  You may be laughing but that’s okay and believe it or not, it was a really great time.  The boat itself was clean, the staff was extremely friendly, professional and they really knew some cool facts about the city that I had never heard before.  Another great part about it was that we were able to bring our own coolers on the duck and enjoy wine, beer and pop while we learned about the ‘burgh.  The hour long tour went by in a jiff and we were all a little disappointed that it had ended because we were really enjoying ourselves.

In a nutshell, what I’m trying to say, is that if you have a bunch of people coming in from out of town and you’re looking for something fun to do…try the Just Ducky Tour.  There’s a tone of belly laughs involved and it’s a great way to learn and see the city!
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I spent last week in the land of NASCAR, Billy Graham and sweet tea...North Carolina! It wasn't necessarily the most exciting vacation, but it was a break from work and my life in PA. I was able to spend time with two of my cousins, one who lives near Greensboro and the other who lives near Spartanburg, SC.

On the way down there, I had a short layover in Washington, D.C. When I fly, I usually keep to myself. I will read my book or try to sleep. Well, my neighbor was rather chatty and we talked about many different things the entire way to Raleigh. It was a rather nice change of pace. She is from Maine and packed lobster salad in her carry-on bag to bring to her father. She had a little cooler to keep it cold and stowed it underneath the seat. Who knew you could do that?

The first thing I did when I got to North Carolina was get some sweet tea. I love sweet tea!! Both of my cousins make it. My dad used to make tea, but did not sweeten it like this. I did make some when I got home, but the is tea too strong. But I am a Midwestern girl, so my sweet tea technique isn't perfect.

I spent the rest of the time hanging out with my family and shopping. My cousin's children are so loving and sweet. Robin has two boys and a little girl, age 5 on down. I cried when I left their house. I hate thinking that the majority of the year, I am a stranger to them and really them to me.

After leaving their house at the NC/SC border, I drove back towards Greensboro for the rest of the week. This is where the shopping took place. The towns of Mebane and Burlington have cute downtown areas with fun, little shops to find all kinds of goodies! My cousin, Tammy, graciously made me curtains to hang in my dining room from fabric I found at a store in Spartanburg. Among my other purchases was a small table that I packed in my suitcase for the trip home, as well as a big lantern and a vase. These are the purchases that shouldn't be made when one is flying.

It was a good trip that was relaxing and filled with project-making - curtains, scarf-knitting, etc. I may not have been ready for the vacation time to end, but I was ready to come home. I am a homebody by nature and living out of a suitcase isn't that fun. Plus, I had to come home to hang up my curtains and decorate my dining room with all the stuff I bought. Now I feel ready for summer!
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

If you don't take risks, you'll have a wasted soul

Adventures… as a kid, I remember hiking in the woods with my cousins, building a clubhouse, sled riding on “forbidden property,” trail riding on new paths over at the park for hours! These were my adventures! Something new, something fun, something I had never done before.

Adventures give you a rush, anxiety and fulfillment. Today, as an adult, my list of adventures has changed! Parasailing, running the marathon, white water rafting, snowboarding, and my biggest adventure is yet to come – marriage!

But regardless of the situation, all of these new adventures have one thing in common – I have accomplished something new and foreign that I never thought I would!

Truth be told, most of it has happened through peer pressure… let’s face it, would any of us just go on an adventure alone? No! Why? Because it is way more fun to create these memories with people you love! If it wasn’t for my BFF, I sure as hell would have never ran in the Pittsburgh Marathon; if it wasn’t for my fiancé, I would have never strapped a snowboard to my feet; and if it wasn’t for a momentary lapse of reason due to some alcoholic beverages (and a non-refundable down payment) I would have never even thought to go parasailing.

And we just keep adding to our list – zip lining, sky diving, longer races, more white water rafting!

My parents have also recently decided to become adventure junkies, and have taken part in zip lining and white water rafting long before I grew the balls to do so. I chalked their decision up to a mid-life crisis… but now, as I have started to do more, you realize, it’s just fun! The risk, the thrill of adventure! It’s being able to sit down the day after and talk about what an awesome time you had the day before. It’s being able to look back at the pictures and wanting to relive those moments all over again.

Truthfully, I feel bad for anyone who lacks a sense of adventure. You really have no idea what you’re missing. Break out of your shell, break away from your daily routine. Add some spice to your life, and encourage your friends to do the same. Back in the day, when you were about to do something crazy, your parents would say “If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?” At this point in my life, I would have to say YES! Because it would make for an awesome picture and a great story.

When it’s all said and done, memories are all we have. Make them good! 
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Monday, May 21, 2012

The Wave

Yeah...I tried to start the wave once at a Pirates game. Yes, I was drunk and no, it didn't work. But that is really not the point of my post.

As I was having dinner with my husband's family tonight, I got to thinking about how many different ways people wave. When I arrived for dinner, my 6 month old nephew started flailing his arms everywhere and my sister-in-law and I decided he was waving at me. My other sister-in-law had her niece with her and she waved to me too, but hers was a cute, little girl wave and she just moved her fingers.

I can remember making fun of my brother when he was younger on how he waved. He would wave like his fingers were all super glued together. I don't know if he still waves like that but I would still make fun of him if he does.

Grandmas have certain waves, presidents wave, pageant girls and queens have a distinct wave, even I like to think I have my own wave but it is just me. I can even make my dog wave (just tell him to give you a high five and move your hand! It looks like he's waving!)

So the next time that you wave to someone, think of how you wave. Watch others and see just how many different ways people say hello, bye, I am excited to see you and please, never come back again (with a smile!). Share This Post
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Friday, May 18, 2012

I Must Bitch/Asking for Guidance

Working a fulltime job and going to school part time sometimes makes it difficult to go shopping. I have resorted to ordering things online lately because it is so easy and fits in much better with my schedule.

I am sure most of you have an iPhone by now and have some sort of a protectant case for it. I have an Otterbox right now and it makes my phone about 4 times larger than it really is. I love the simple, sleek look of the iPhone but they are just too expensive to go without a case. I am guilty of dropping mine one too many times, luckily the Otterbox has not failed me yet. I am, however, sick of the bulky, unstylish look of my Otterbox. It is hard to fit in pockets and does not fit in a small clutch, it is more of an annoyance.

One of my friends had a cool case which just framed around their phone, when I talked to her about it she said she has dropped it several times, it has not yet cracked her screen and she is super happy with it so far. I got the name of the case and began my online search. This is where things begin to take a turn…

So I went on the website, and ordered an aluminum alloy bumper protector that fits an Apple iPhone 4/4S. I must admit I did wait a while to put the case on my phone because I wanted someone to put my screen protector on, I am not good with these. When I finally put the case on I quickly realized that it definitely did not fit my 4S. The top buttons were inaccessible. After being completely annoyed I waited a couple days and finally called to see what could be done. There was no answer, of course. I called a couple more times and finally the girl said that I would have to take pictures of my phone and the case and then email them to the company. So, I did that. 

I got an email back saying that I had to fill out a form online and they would reimburse. So.. I did that! I got an email back the next day stating that if I returned it would be past the 30 day return policy so they cannot issue a refund. This all just happened yesterday so I am completely annoyed… I don’t know what to do. First off, it shouldn’t be an issue because it does not fit my phone as advertised and it is not my fault that they were so unreachable and there was so much back and forth. Secondly, the person who replied back to my email the first time said that I would be reimbursed. I even included my invoice number. If this was not the case they shouldn’t have had me go through the other trouble like filling out the online form. Ahhhhh, HAPPY FRIDAY! Time to bitch at the people on the phone.

I advise you to save yourself and DO NOT order from Maybe some of you have and have had better experiences? I am now in the market for a new phone cover and need some guidance. Does anyone know of a great iPhone case that is not bulky but protects your phone? I’d appreciate it!
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Summer Has Officially Begun!

I’m very excited about today and let me tell you why…my summer has officially started and I’m super psyched! Why has my summer officially started on this Thursday in May…because I don’t have to work my Thursday bar shift for the whole summer!!!  You may be wondering why since my husband and I own the joint and I’ll tell you.

Several years ago when things finally started to get settled at the bar, my hubby and I decided that we needed to have at least one night where we did something together.  So we decided to join a bowling league together and it was the perfect idea.  It was something that we had to dedicate at least one night a week too.  It’s something that’s active so we’re not just sitting on our asses (not that we get to do that much anyways) and it was a way to meet some new people.  Not only good for us, but our bowling league now hangs out at the bar…can’t beat that!  Plus, for me, I have  gained at least five more hours in my week to get other things done and that’s a big deal.

So on my first Thursday without having to work at the bar, I plan on getting out in my garden and pulling some weeds!  Might not sound like too much fun to you, but I’m looking forward to it.  My garden is in need of a little TLC plus, I find gardening to be pretty therapeutic and it looks to be the perfect gardening day here in the ‘Burgh.  Then it’s off to our first night of bowling for the season.  I’ve already got my shoes cleaned, my ball shiny and plenty of dollars to spend on the dollar beers. 

It’s going to be a GREAT day today…I just know it!!! 
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

People That Seriously Annoy Me

Katie's post said it all...we are all quirky, strange, eccentric in our own rights. The beauty of humankind is that we are all different. Different in the way we speak, act, interact, laugh, cry. There are things we cannot, and should not, try to change about ourselves. Characteristics that run so deep they could be written on our DNA, right alongside the code for blue eyes, brown hair and that strange birthmark that several generations in your family have all the same place! But, there are plenty of things that we can change and can work on--tolerance, patience, kindness, forgiveness. I'm fairly certain even Mother Teresa herself worked daily on these attributes. While they may come easier for some than others, we all need a reminder now and again that building good character requires action and attention.

With that being said, there are things that people can change and they just choose not to. This is where I get annoyed. This is where I get pissed off. And this is where my tolerance, patience, kindness and forgiveness ends (though I am working on it).

  1. Stop complaining. Do something. Action changes things. Complaining has never changed anything. Except relationships and not for the better.
  2. Get up and move. Sure, your actual DNA may dictate that you are predisposed to be a bit heavier than others, but laziness and poor planning breeds fat. Don't complain that you are fat if you are sitting on your rear, eating crap, stressing about being overweight. Move. Now!
  3. Your circumstances absolutely do not dictate who you are. Don't let them. 
  4. Your work does not define you. Your kids do not define you. Your spouse, friends and enemies do not define you. You write the definition and let everyone know what it is. If they don’t like it, tell 'em to go Funk and Wagnalls themselves.
  5. Truth is, life is hard, and, if we are lucky, long. Don't let the bad outweigh the good. Everything passes--good and bad. Enjoy the good, laugh through the bad. Feeling sorry, whining, being complacent will only deepen the darkness and help you to forget that there is always light moving toward you.
  6. You can't keep up with the Jones. Stop trying. You don't know their circumstance. You don't know the rich dead aunt that left them everything and that's why they can go on elaborate vacations or put in a pool. Or that that same aunt raised your neighbor when everyone else neglected her and she would give up everything to have her aunt back.
  7. Everyone has shit. I didn't say everyone shits (though this is true--sorry boys to dispel that myth). We all have our own loads of crap that we have to deal with. Don't think just because someone has a sunny disposition or is never down, they don't have their troubles. They choose to look past the trials and focus on the triumphs. You should too!
  8. Stop being so sarcastic. It is annoying. It is rude. I'm all for funny, but sarcasm borders on mean and I don’t like mean. There isn't a place for it...anywhere. We are so worried about bullying with kids these days, we forget that as adults we sometimes act just as terrible as, if not worse than, the kids. Can't imagine where they are getting it from!
  9. Don't put yourself down just so others will lift you up. You are great. Say it. Shout it. False modesty is, well, just that, false. Don't look outside for approval, look in. That's all the validation you should need.
  10. Stop passing judgment. You don't know the situation, you don't know what is really going on. You are only entitled to an opinion if it directly involves you. If it doesn't, and it most likely doesn't, no one wants to know what you think, shut up and move on.

I know this sounds harsh, but sometimes the truth hurts, but it needs to be said and digested by all of us. Just because I say it, doesn't mean I live it. I try to live it. I try to do my best. I try to remember that most of the time, what annoys me about others only annoys me because it is a mirror into myself and my own shortcomings.

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it, life is bliss, taste it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is luck, make it. Life is too precious, do not destroy it. Life is life, fight for it. ~ Mother Teresa Share This Post
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Monday, May 14, 2012

A fun kind of crazy!

We’ve all met quirky people in our lives – that “crazy” aunt, the “interesting” neighbor, and in my case, the “insane” older woman at the horse shows. We all know them. We love them, we hate them, but regardless, they fill our lives with interesting stories and color.

I mean, we all have our “quirks” about us. In fact, most people when meeting me for the first time probably think I’m crazy. I have no filter, I tell it like it is and at times, I’m a bitch. I’m not crazy, it’s just my personality. But it makes you think – how do others see you? Looking at yourself from the outside.

This weekend, I met an interesting lady, who I have since hired as my florist for my wedding. She was that awesome quirky, a little strange, a little scattered, but SO passionate about her job, her life, her livelihood, you can’t help but know she is going to do a good job. During my consultation, we were interrupted 3 times by producers who are filming their reality show! A reality show?!  Could this be the next big thing to Duck Dynasty? (I hope so).

My mother and I show up for my 10am consultation, at her home. We find her hanging clothes out on the line.  It made me second guess as to if we were even in the right place. She comes over to the car (in her socks) and says, “oh, I guess you’re my 10 o’clock!” 

Yes lady, I am your 10 o’clock! Needless to say, I was worried.  She welcomes us inside where we find her preparing lunch for about 15 people (I later come to find she has 10 kids). Our consultation takes place outside – in her garden! Acres and acres of gardens! For real, like 10 acres of nothing but flowers. 

We sit down. My consultation (minus the 3 interruptions from producers) was awesome! She was crazy, running back and forth to her house , in her socks, to make adjustments, grab samples, and even her phone. She knew exactly what I wanted, understood my vision, and was just as excited as I am about the big day. She was cool, in that outdoor, hippy, tree-hugger kind of way. Also, I come to find out that there is a chance my wedding could even be featured on their reality show! It takes those “different” people to make a reality show successful. (maybe my appearance on this will be my big break ;))

I’m excited! I think her craziness will make this day awesome! 

What are your quirks? Are you even aware of them?
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