Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Can I Stay Dedicated for the Next 7 Months?

I’ve been intrigued lately by a relative of mine who has made the change in her life to go vegan. She is not a PETA vegan (she carries a leather purse and owns UGGs) but she made the choice to improve her health. In less than five months she has transformed, all by changing her diet.

Now, her measures to cut animal products out of her diet completely may be drastic to some, but to me it shows discipline and dedication.

We all talk about losing a few pounds here or there, or trying a new “fad” diet plan, but how many people are dedicated enough to make these changes permanent?

Dedication is something you have or lack throughout your life. Some things in life might come easy to you, and these changes benefit you in the long run.
Other times in our lives, we are quitters – giving up because it is “too hard” or you lack the discipline to keep going at something out of your comfort zone.

We have all been there, faced with new challenges that turn and we tackle head on. But then the going gets tough, and we retreat. Sometimes it’s just hard to stick with something new. It’s easier to go back to the way things were.

I could never be disciplined enough to do what my cousin is doing. I admire her dedication to creating a healthier lifestyle. I’m accustom to eating a box of Oreos weekly. Cutting sugar out of my life would place me straight into that uncomfortable zone, and I would quit. I can almost guarantee you that.

So where can we find this dedication and discipline. Does it show up when we need it most?

There have been plenty of times that I have thought about making positive changes (starting small) – attempting to implement a workout plan (Workout Wednesdays, ladies), changing my diet by not consuming AS MUCH crap, and especially not eating after 9:00 p.m.

But here we are – going on weeks of abandoned Workout Wednesdays and I snacked on brownies and chocolate covered strawberries at lunch. My challenge list might seem minimal to most, but to me a healthier lifestyle has to start somewhere.

Now – to find the dedication and discipline. It is only 7 months till the wedding (EEEK!)

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