Thursday, January 12, 2012

BFFs Forever!

Sometimes I feel like I’m the luckiest girl in the world as I recently got to spend time with my five best friends for our Annual Girlie Christmas Party.  Spending time with these girls is incredibly precious to me because it doesn’t happen as often as I would like it too.  With my “big girl” job, my travel schedule, the bar, my husband, family, house and the million other things that I – and they – have going on, it just doesn’t happen often and it really bums me out.  These girls totally ground me and remind me to stop and smell the roses.  Let me tell you them about…

Missy:  There’s only one word to describe Missy and that’s…AWESOME!  She’s a single mom with a teenage son who is wonderful.  She has an amazing job and is back in school…again (I swear she just loves going to school) and she’s a tough girl who always has our backs and isn’t afraid to punch anyone in the face!  The other part I love about her is that she’s crazy spontaneous.  At the party she told us she was going to Vegas with guy she went out on one date with to see…Motley Crue!  AMAZING!

Sherri:  Sherri is my crazy friend who I absolutely adore.  She cracks me and I would absolutely do anything for her.  She just moved back to the ‘burgh from Greensboro, NC, where she had been living with her boyfriend.  Needless-to-say, that didn’t work out and we were all so grateful.  He was a douche and she deserved so much better.  But the great thing…it didn’t kill her spirit and she’s right back on the horse and she’s back to being crazy!

Jenny:  Jenny and I have known each other for 12 years.  We’ve been through some pretty intense and dramatic times and yet somehow we’ve survived them all.  She’s now pregnant with her first child which definitely put an interesting twist on this year’s Girlie Christmas Party as she was not drinking which kind of kept everyone in check.

Sue:  Sue and I actually see each other a lot.  She lives right around the bend from me, we row together two-days a week and she’s my only girlfriend that comes and hangs out at our bar regularly.  We have a blast together and sometimes she’s my only point of sanity in a completely insane world!

Jerilyn:  Jerilyn is my very best friend in the whole wide world. We’ve known each other about twelve years.  She was the maid-of-honor in my wedding and I in hers and although we don’t see each other often (because of life) she’s the person that I know I can count on no matter what!  She knows everything about me and I could not imagine my life without her.  I just love her to pieces!

These are my best friends…the greatest bunch of girls you ever could meet and I guess what I’m trying to say, and the point of this blog post is…that it’s important to have great friends that you know you can count on.  It’s important to be able to take a break and sit back and relax with people that you know are always going to tell you the truth but not judge you.  These girls are those girls for me and I couldn’t live without them! 

Good friends are like stars…. You don’t always see them, but you know they are always there.
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