Monday, March 19, 2012

So Much To Do

Me and the fam in Canaan Valley
I grew up in a house with two working parents (well, actually four working parents because of divorce). My mom worked full-time as a nurse. She was never homeroom mom. She didn't make it to many soccer games or swim meets. Our weekends weren't full of fun things to do (that's what we went to my dad's house for :-)). It was chores and grocery shopping and church.

I'm not coming down on my mom, well, maybe a little, but it's more about me as a mom and my kids these days.

My husband and I both work. My kids' schedules are insane between speech and occupational therapy, and faith formation classes. And we have a puppy that I swear requires more attention and caring than a newborn!

I think I'm a pretty good parent--weaving fun into our weekends be it with hiking, playtime at the park, going out to eat, going to the movies or science center or zoo. We have our fair share of fun. Yet, my darling mini-mes are ungrateful to say the least.

I swear, I must have heard "I'm bored" from my six year old 25 this weekend. He spent more time than even a mediocre mom would allow on the computer. Then to the iTouch, then TV. It was beautful out. We were washing cars, playing in the yard, etc. He didn't want any of it.

Then, he decides he wants to go to the park, so my husband takes him (it's literally four houses away from my house). He sees some of our neighbors there. He plays with them. Then, it is time for dinner. He comes home, inhales his dinner, takes his shower and then asks to go back to the park. We say no because we have planned outdoor movie night in the backyard. He cries. He never gets to go to the park. Blah, blah, blah. Waaaa, waaaa, waaaa. I settle it simply by saying "you should have been raised by your grandparents."

I did what my parents wanted. Always what my parents wanted. Don't get me wrong, we did trips to the amusement park, vacations, etc. but the "little things" didn't exist. There wasn't time. They didn't make time. We were raised that we, as their children, entered their lives, not the other way around.

I swore I was gonna raise my kids in a similar manner, but with a bit more fun. And we do more fun, but my kids have come to expect it and it isn't appreciated. That's where I have failed them and me.

I will try harder to ignore my children. I will try harder to not give them everything. I will try harder to let them be bored...a lot. This may make me sound terrible, but boredom is the gateway to creativity. My sister and I played some awesome things. I was always making up stories in my mind. Imagining the future, the past, everything. I was, what some would have deemed a dreamer. I wasn't living it, so I had to dream it.

Every parent wants to give their child what they didn't have. And I want to give my children all the attention that there just wasn't time for in my growing up. But, I need a break from all the fun...or maybe just a drink! Share This Post
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