Monday, March 26, 2012

The Joys of Housework

Today at lunch, one of the many topics of conversation was about housework. I hate cleaning. And I am not very good at it. Some of the Working Wives were talking about the division of tasks in their households. Some husbands are on dish duty and others are on laundry duty. As a Working Bachelorette, I have no one to defer my less favorable household chores to. So either I do it, or it doesn't get done.

I was sick all last week, which made my ability and desire to do anything after work pretty weak. So now I am trying to play catch up. Of course that is what the weekends are for, right? Well, that didn't happen. So this week, I am trying to get as much done because I will be out of town this coming weekend. So there goes being able to get a lot accomplished.

Because I didn't do much in my home last week, my apartment is pretty messy. While I can stand the mess to a certain point, that point passed by a few days ago. I like being domestic. I wish I could spend more time doing the things I want to do at home, like finishing organizing my spare bedroom. But for now, I really need to get back to doing laundry!

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1 comment:

  1. I'm sure I'll have plenty of housework to delegate to you when you come to visit. I have a houseful of people but none of them very willing or able (I'd probably be put in jail for making my 1 year old do chores! LOL) to help with household tasks!


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