Friday, August 24, 2012

What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

I still don't exactly know what I want to be when I grow up. But I think I have made up my own job and would love for it to be a real career. Lately, I have been renewing my love for Pinterest - the site of all goodness. As I have pinning away at all kinds of ideas for decorating for the holidays, baking goodies or even storage organization tips, I figured that there must be some kind of profession out there that will allow me to be a professional Pinterest tester. Someone needs to double check the validity of all these good ideas.

Many of the things I pin come from blogs where the project was actually completed by someone who then wrote about it and it ended up on Pinterest. But I would be willing to try to recreate the things to see if it really is as easy or as good as what the posts say. Then I could give my stamp of approval on the pin so people know it is a trusted project - like verified accounts on Twitter. It makes perfect sense, at least in my mind. There could be a whole crew of people who test out pins as interests vary.

I also think this would help me getting in gear to actually complete some of the great projects I have pinned. I have been exploring my creative side this past year - learning how to knit, learning how to sew, etc. and Pinterest has only heightened that desire to be creative and do things myself to make the space around me more pretty. How people come up with some of these ideas is completely mind-boggling.

As summer is quickly turning into fall, I am hoping the colder months will bring more time to complete some of these projects. I started working on a 4th of July rag wreath in the spring it is still yet to be finished. Next year summer I will be able to use it. I purchased a wooden J to hang on a family picture wall earlier this summer that I want to paint and mod podge it with scrapbook paper. I have everything to do this simple project, but everything is in a bag in my spare bedroom, also known as the land of potential projects.

There is always a lot of enthusiasm when these ideas pop up. But when it comes time to complete them, life somehow gets in the way. I don't often have hours of free time to complete projects, but if it was my job I would gladly spend my time cutting, gluing, sewing and painting away.

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