Last night I was woken from my sleep by this terrible
scream/squeal followed by some hisses and growls. This sounded all too familiar
as a couple nights ago I heard the same noises as well as last summer too. Damn
raccoons. Although I knew what the noise was it still can be a bit frightening,
especially when you know this is all going on just outside of your window (I
live in my basement). I am not sure why the raccoons make this sort of noise,
last year I thought it was a cat fight but by the looks of my garbage thrown
around, I knew better. Anyway last night I prayed that my garbage would not be
too destroyed. To see what all of the commotion was about I peeked out of my
blinds and turned on the back light, me and the raccoon seemed to make eye
contact – it was creepy. He knew very well what he was doing but did not seem
to care even though I caught him in the act. I started banging on the window
for him to stop and finally I guess it startled him a little and he scurried
away. I got back in bed and tried my best to fall asleep. All of a sudden –
“crash” my garbage can fell to the cement. Great. Damn raccoons.
Last summer the raccoons were pretty out of control to the
point where my dad tried to get rid of them in the not most humane way
possible. They must have been immune to whatever he tried to give them because
a few nights later they were back for more of my garbage. They do a great job
at invading your space, there doesn’t seem to be much I can do to get rid of
them without harming them in any way.
I plead to all of the WW&B readers, what can be done to
get rid of these raccoons? Has anyone else had a similar problem? I want to do
it in the most effective and natural way. It is sad, I used to think raccoons
were cute but now they absolutely disgust me. They are like large rats, now
that I have seen a few rummaging through my garbage, they have this mean look
in their eye and it just freaks me out. PLEASE help me get rid of them. I never
want to hear the screams/squeals ever again.

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