Every once in a while, you meet someone who does the right thing for the right reasons. Or, if you are really lucky, a group of someones. No ulterior motives. Nothing to gain. No vain reasons for gaining ground and moving forward. They put themselves aside to move mountains for other people. For the simplicity of doing the right thing. Not for fortune, fame or glory.
My son's pediatric therapy center is run by just that person and staffed by just that group of people. They love what they do and you can see it in the way they act and interact. We've tried, tested and deserted our fair share of centers that "care" about kids. Like many businesses, even the non-profit ones, they are out to make a buck. Usher kids in and push them out. Discharge them before they are ready. Underestimate their abilities. It runs the gammot. Not this place. It sounds so cliche, but they really care.
So I enter my plea. My shameless plea. Visit this site. Log in. Vote. What will take you literally 60 seconds or less, could actually make a big difference to a bunch of little kids, and some pretty damn amazing adults! A $250,000 difference.
1. Follow link: http://www.missionsmallbusiness.com/
2.... Click Log in/Support
3. Type in: Sensory Link
Invite all of your friends to help support us! Every vote counts:)
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3. Type in: Sensory Link
Invite all of your friends to help support us! Every vote counts:)
Mission: Small Business℠
Chase and LivingSocial are awarding $250,000 Grants. Vote for your favorite small business at www.missionsmallbusiness.com.

A lot of people are following this initiative! great post!! (and I voted!)