I spent last week in the land of NASCAR, Billy Graham and sweet tea...North Carolina! It wasn't necessarily the most exciting vacation, but it was a break from work and my life in PA. I was able to spend time with two of my cousins, one who lives near Greensboro and the other who lives near Spartanburg, SC.
On the way down there, I had a short layover in Washington, D.C. When I fly, I usually keep to myself. I will read my book or try to sleep. Well, my neighbor was rather chatty and we talked about many different things the entire way to Raleigh. It was a rather nice change of pace. She is from Maine and packed lobster salad in her carry-on bag to bring to her father. She had a little cooler to keep it cold and stowed it underneath the seat. Who knew you could do that?
The first thing I did when I got to North Carolina was get some sweet tea. I love sweet tea!! Both of my cousins make it. My dad used to make tea, but did not sweeten it like this. I did make some when I got home, but the is tea too strong. But I am a Midwestern girl, so my sweet tea technique isn't perfect.
I spent the rest of the time hanging out with my family and shopping. My cousin's children are so loving and sweet. Robin has two boys and a little girl, age 5 on down. I cried when I left their house. I hate thinking that the majority of the year, I am a stranger to them and really them to me.
After leaving their house at the NC/SC border, I drove back towards Greensboro for the rest of the week. This is where the shopping took place. The towns of Mebane and Burlington have cute downtown areas with fun, little shops to find all kinds of goodies! My cousin, Tammy, graciously made me curtains to hang in my dining room from fabric I found at a store in Spartanburg. Among my other purchases was a small table that I packed in my suitcase for the trip home, as well as a big lantern and a vase. These are the purchases that shouldn't be made when one is flying.
It was a good trip that was relaxing and filled with project-making - curtains, scarf-knitting, etc. I may not have been ready for the vacation time to end, but I was ready to come home. I am a homebody by nature and living out of a suitcase isn't that fun. Plus, I had to come home to hang up my curtains and decorate my dining room with all the stuff I bought. Now I feel ready for summer!

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