Now, my basement is not horrible in any way, shape or form. It has high enough ceilings that my tall, tall, tall husband can walk through it without hitting his head (a HUGE buying factor of the house), and a cement floor that is in great shape. The windows are just glass blocks and the basement area spans the whole length and width of my house. So essentially, we have a lot of room to work with.
I am not looking for a complete re-model. I just don't have the time, money or effort to want to put that kind of work into our basement, especially in a house that we hope to sell in a couple of years. But my thought is some nice shelving/storage area against the walls so I can nicely organize my holiday items, seasonal clothes, sporting equipment, etc.
I have searched high and low for NICE shelving and storage units for my basement...meaning nothing too fancy, but nothing that is just going to fall apart the second I put it together. But this is where the issue is. I can't find what I want, nor do I think I even know what I want.
I've come to the conclusion that my husband is just going to have to take the lead on this project and just get what he thinks is suitable and just tell me that is that. I've looked at way too many pictures, DIY websites and have looked at other basements that I just want bits and pieces of everything and I know I can't have it all. I am, for once in my life, indecisive, and can not figure this basement situation out.
Has anyone else recently done a mini basement re-model, as I am calling it? Remember, nothing too fancy, too expensive, or a lot of work. I just really want some shelves/storage areas and MAYBE we'll actually put the Pittsburgh toilet in a bathroom-like area...MAYBE.

How could you ever part with the Pittsburgh toilet, now. Come on....