Everyday we make a million and one decisions. What to wear. What to eat. Where to eat. All in all, these itty bitty decisions typically don't make or break life. They don't alter the universe and, for the most part, they don't really impact anyone but you. I don't think wearing the grey pants instead of the brown ones broke any international agreements or brought anything to a screeching halt!
But, throughout life, we are faced with tough decisions. Some tough, yet exciting--to go to college or not. To move to a new city or stick it out where you are. Some that are just plain lose/lose--to stay in a broken relationship or move on (especially if there are kiddos involved). To cut someone off because of something they did or said. There are no good decisions when it comes to the really tough stuff. Someone, somewhere is going to be hurt. Someone, somewhere is going to be cheering you on and supporting your every effort and move. Someone, somewhere will write you off. It is impossible to please everyone.
I'm not good at making decisions. I don't even have an opinion about what restaurant to go to until someone else decides first. Then, I have something to say. I struggle with nail polish choices when I go to paint my toenails. I go back and forth on what to wear and, can't for the life of me decide what to buy people as gifts. My husband hates that I resort to a good ole fashioned gift card.
I'm good at coming up with the options. Lots of options. Plan A, B, C and D. And I'm good at the execution. But the deciding. Picking something unknown and committing to it wholeheartedly is a struggle mainly because I don't believe in regrets.
I'm the blind-faith type that knows there is something more powerful than me at work--be it God, the universe, karma, whatever. I feel that every thing I do, each important decision I make, leads me to where I am ultimately supposed to be. Even the not-so-good choices carry a meaning and a purpose.
I have a friend who thinks it's all bullsh*t. That I, along with anyone else who believes as I do, believe these things--purpose, fate, destiny--to simply make myself feel better, to cope. So, at the end of any given sh*tty day, I can tell myself that all the struggles and imperfections are worth it because they will lead me to something greater. She can call "bullsh*t" on it, but to me, it is fact.
I have stood behind every important decision I have made in my life. In hindsight, it may not have been even the best of the worst, but it is mine and it has brought me here to this day, to this moment. So that in the most amazing days of my life, I remind myself that all the crap, the bad decisions, the bad days have led me to the good, most amazing and blessed life that I am privileged to live.

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