I sure am! To piggyback off of Katie's post from yesterday, I need more time. Everything lately has become routine, necessary and downright boring!
Don't get me wrong, I'm crazy busy. Stupid busy. And I'm not sure what I can scrape off my plate. And though I love being busy - thrive on it really - it has gotten out of control. I am forgetting to do things...important things. And the things I actually remember to do, I rush through to get done to move onto the next. Even my workouts have become another item on the to-do list instead of a chance to escape my insane reality.
I live and die by my to-do list. I love to cross things off as I get them done, but lately the the list is out of control. It has taken on a life of its own. And I fully expect it to slide out of the drawer and walk out the door pissed off that I'm not doing anything about its agenda items! Though, this would give me free time!
Laundry. Yardwork ('tis the season). Easter. Birthdays. Dinner. Dishes. Shopping (even this has become a chore...and I'm a chick who LOVES to shop). Cleaning. Kids. Husband. Dogs. Work. Work. Work!
I need a vacation, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon. I need a way to interject fun into my everyday. I'm usually good at this. Finding the silver lining. Taking a step back and a deep breath. But I'm overwhelmed, overworked and overstressed! And I'm too tired at the end of any given day to do my nails, call a friend, go out for a drink.
So I've decided to extend my to do list and schedule time to chill. Five minutes here to send a quick email to a friend. Ten minutes there to go throw the ball to the dog in the yard and enjoy the sunshine. Staying up a bit later to read for a few minutes--not related to work or children or housework.
Wish me luck! I'm either gonna find a way to chill or I'm gonna go crazy.

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