We had great feedback on our personal Facebook pages about Friday's blog and were asked to do the female version (by a male reader!) So I am going to oblige and do a list of 5 things women shouldn't ever wear. Mind you, I am saying women because little girls might be able to get away with some of these things (although doubtful). The list could probably go on and on and could branch out in many sections including ridiculous ways to wear your hair (get rid of the scrunchies), things to not put on your body (glitter) and if you are going to wear those shoes, at least go to a strip club and get some tips (heels that are 10 times too high and too glittery). Please feel free to add a comment about the things you don't think women should wear in the comments section. I would really like to hear what else you see around town!
1. Tiny Short Shorts: As soon as the sun comes out in the spring, you know you are bound to see these come out of the closet. And it is embarrassing when you are walking around and the hoochie in front of you had both of her ass cheeks hanging out of her shorts that are about impossible to even wear underwear underneath. Put some clothes on!
2. Pants with words on the butt: You know what pants I am talking about, and if you have to wear pants that say it on the butt, then it probably isn't true. Sure, they might be really comfy, but don't wear them out in public. It is the same as the ratty t-shirt of your boyfriends that you love to wear around the house on a Sunday...you do not dare wear it outside!
3. Leggings under shorts: I don't know who decided this was cute but it freaks me out. First off, leggings can only go with certain outfits and your dress or shirt must be long enough to cover your butt because in my opinion, no one's butt looks good in leggings. But then to put a pair of shorts over them??!! Come on!
4. Tube tops: These come out at the same time as the short shorts. And there is no doubt in my mind that women wear them together (and typically they are just busting out all over the place anyways). Throw the tube tops away and buy a REAL shirt. They are not attractive on anyone, whether you have a great body or not.
5. Overalls: They might be great for painting, or bailing hay, but don't wear these out in public. The little child look is not cute, especially if your hair is also in pigtails (which is another thing grown women shouldn't wear). Just wear jeans...jeans that actually fit and aren't too tight or too loose.

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