Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What's in a Name?

Names, everyone has one. Most people have a vague idea what their own means, but few give them much more thought. These days more and more parents are thinking of using a unique name for their child. Some, I don’t think remember that in most cases a name is for life, not just for birth, therefore it must be thought about long and hard.

Take my name for example, Kendal. Maybe this won’t come to a surprise to you but before some people meet me, they assume I am a male. I have run into this my whole life. In college I sent my professor an email and told her that my sister was possibly going to go into labor and I would not be attending class the next day if she were to have her baby. She sent back a nice email, “Congratulations Uncle Kendal.” Argh. Well my sister didn’t go into labor that day so I was able to attend her class. When she called roll she looked at me as I raised my hand in attendance. She looked up at me and down at her paper a handful of times. She finally said, “Well, you’re clearly not an uncle.”

I am not complaining about my name. I like it, it’s different. But it just shows that people assume things when they see a name. I have gotten emails at work that I have been addressed “Ken.” People will ask my co-workers, “So is Kendal a guy or a girl? I want to know before I call them.”

What about celebrities? Apparently, they just don't get enough attention, so they name their kids something really dumb to stand out. There are some celebrities around today who have given their babies unique names which in the future may cause their kids to wonder what they were thinking, such as Pilot Inspektor (child of Jason Lee) and Sage Moonblood (son of Sylvester Stallone).

The problem is that many names seem like a novelty and clever at the time, but ten years down the line will you still like the name? I know choosing the perfect name for a baby can be a daunting task. Finding unique names can be interesting and time consuming. Some people choose to create unique baby names on their own or customize the spelling of more popular names.

My cousin just had a beautiful baby girl and her and her husband chose not to share the sex of the baby with any relatives or friends. They told people they weren’t finding out the sex and wanted it to be a surprise, trying something different for their third child. Finally when they had her they told me they knew the whole time and when I asked why they kept it a secret they simply said they didn’t want to be hassled on what they should name their kid. I don’t blame them.

Just the other day we were doing a large mailing and me and some of the other girls were helping a co-worker and had to put papers in addressed envelopes. One name I must mention, and may never forget was Chiffon Cabbagestalk. Yes, that was her name. I began to paint a picture of Ms. Cabbagestalk in my head. That poor woman. Someone should have intervened. I wonder, does she like her name? I would probably go by an alias name if I were her but who am I do judge, after all, I’m Ken.
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