Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year from Me!

For me (as I’m sure it is for most), the holidays are the most crazy time of year.  From Thanksgiving straight through New Year’s, it seems like you’re on a never-ending roller coaster of shopping, wrapping, cooking and visiting.  Now I’m not complaining…there’s something about all of the holiday cheer that just pulls me through it but sometimes, I wish that the holidays were about rest and relaxation rather than madness.   

This year it seemed like it was particularly maddening.  Although I took time off from my “big girl” job, I still had to be at the bar every day.  We’re opened 365 days a year so even on Christmas Eve and Christmas night, we were down there working away.  You may be surprised by this but, those are two of our busiest nights and they are actually pretty fun to work.  Then, I’m responsible for buying and getting the bar completely decorated for our huge New Year’s Eve party and this year, it was particularly important because not only were we ringing in 2012 but it was the bar’s five year anniversary.
Now I just have one more giant event to get through and that’s our staff holiday party which will be this coming Sunday.  I’m really looking forward to it because I feel like 2011 was a growing/changing year for us and I’m looking at 2012 as a fresh new start.  Honeslty, I’m just looking forward to life getting back to normal.  But, before we know it, the holiday season will be upon us again and we will all be consumed by it's crazyiness.  Why is it the older we get time just zips by? :)
Wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy 2012!
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